It has been over a decade since I last updated this About me page, so I figured it was high time. I was still in my 20’s when I started this blog, and now, we are rounding out the 30’s… How did that happen?

I started this blog as a way of documenting my journey to becoming more self-sufficient. I have always been very interested in homesteading and growing my own food. However, real life got in the way a lot of the time and this little corner of the internet fell by the wayside. I’m back again this year, after nearly 2 years of crickets here to document my gardening life.

10 responses to “About Me”

  1. I thought I was following you, but I was mistaken. Now I am so I will be back later to catch up! Looking forward to more posts!


    1. Thank you for the follow! I hope to get more posted soon!


  2. I would like to nominate you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award IF you participate. Please email me at or


    1. Thank you very much for the nomination. I sent you a message to your Belmont Rooster account


  3. Congradulations! I have just nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Here is a link to my post for you to accept the award:


  4. Hey! I nominated you for the Liebster Award:
    Check it out! 😉


    1. Thanks! I will work on getting the post together soon!


  5. Very happy to see you still on WordPress. I am an old familiar face using an alias for the time being… But, I will soon unveil the mask… I disappeared from WordPress in January 2014. Any guesses? Keep blogging and GET DIRTY!


  6. Hi, Thank you for liking a post I made on my blog about Austin Macauley publishers looking for new submissions. My blog is still quite new (only really posted since late November) so I really appreciate any likes I get.
    I do like your blog and the way you write. You are funny and your blog makes me smile 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Researching the hardiness zone for Red Beard bunching onion, I am also starting this year, and have found myself here a few times. So I checked out what else you’re starting and growing. Was intrigued, and thought, Do you live anywhere near me? Ends up we are a couple of provinces away, but possibly same growing zone. I’m about a Zone 3 to 4.

    I’ve also ordered German thyme this year and had never even heard of it before I found it on seed site. I will definitely be following your blog to find what works and doesn’t work for you! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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