I am still trying to hide my seed stash from myself for fear of starting a million things far too early. I’m still in the mindset of keeping things simple this year, and starting seeds in January is not in tune with that. How long I’ll be able to actually hold out is anyone’s guess.

So I thought I would update you on the cacti that I started from seed last year in January. There was an incident. The cats knocked the whole thing over, so there are a few less survivors than there would be otherwise… I currently have 4 survivors. 2 are in peat pellets, and 2 in the original 3″ pot I sowed them all in. The two in peat pellets were the only ones left with any rootball still attached when they fell to the floor. I didn’t want to disturb the ones in the pot that stayed in the soil any more than they already were, so I used some peat pellets that had un-germinated seeds in them, and here we are.

ooo look how in-focus the soil is! Sorry the actual cactus isn’t the focus 😦

The two in the original pot are my favorite. They are doing much better than the little peat pellets ones… understandably. I’ve always wanted one of those cacti that are really pokey, but I always talk myself out of buying them when I see them in shops. So to grow one from seed… needless to say, I’m pretty excited about it. Now I just need to not have it thrown on the ground in a fit of feline angst.

I will pot them into a proper pot once I get sowing seeds later this spring… I may even splurge on some fancy cactus soil for them. My aloe needs some attention as well so It may be worth my while to give it some soil more catered to their special succulent needs. (somehow “succulent needs” just sounds wrong doesn’t it? That’s why I had to leave it in)

If you are interested, This is the link to the original sowing of the seeds post from January 17, 2016. And this is the link to the update a few weeks later once everything started germinating. I haven’t really updated you on them since then.

sorry for the blur
Again…Sorry for the blur… But look how Pokey it is!! 🙂

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